Apart from that, they have never faulted prostitutes among others who perpetuate sexual malpractices, such as masturbation, incest and bestiality, which are quite pervasive

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Apart from that, they have never faulted prostitutes among others who perpetuate sexual malpractices, such as masturbation, incest and bestiality, which are quite pervasive

The Consequences of the LBGT Impact since the Repeal of DADT

Military officers who happened to be members of transgender groups were quite optimistic that President Clinton’s gesture would suffice to guarantee them their inalienable right and freedom to convey their innate sexual feelings. Nonetheless, the repeal mystified them tremendously. Following that, the United States has been witnessing number of consequences. It will perhaps influence the Obama administration to rethink the formerly declared policy of DADT. First, there has been a widespread damage caused to the effectiveness of the military unit. It really is observed that service members that have always been relied on to accomplish military tasks have since become docile due to the lack of morale (Kerrigan, 2012). This docility was obviously attributed to the declaration that LBGT people were to remain numb regarding their sexual orientation. According to transgender activists, the move was a serious contravention of human being rights. As victims of this irregularity, they felt they should be recognized just in the same way as other disabled people. They therefore wanted to show their emotions freely without being subjected to any ridicule by the sexually straight community.

Besides, the policy perpetuated the disadvantage of the LBGT group of experiencing health consequences at a high cost (Human Rights Campaign, 2014). Had they succeeded to achieve the freedom they lobbied for, they would have automatically enjoyed the government subsidy for health products and services. Nonetheless, since the revocation of the right, health care institutions have not been recognizing members of LBGT when they handle cases related to their sexual statuses. For instance, transsexuals seeking surgical services to change their sex anatomy have actually been incurring exorbitant costs (Human Rights Campaign, 2014). The cost has also been exaggerated following a decline in health insurance schemes to cover expenses on treating ailments related to this orientation. The military officers of LBGT have therefore been obliged to foot medical bills on their own.

Apart from that, the military service has been experiencing difficulties in recruiting new members to the military. It is often occasioned by the fact that military members should conceal their sexual orientation. It is often cumbersome because those who out-rightly pronounce these statuses are immediately eliminated from the listing of recruits. Nonetheless, those who abide by the DADT policy also experience difficulties in dealing with groups, to which they have been selected. Because of sexual defects, they will still become marginalized with time.https://123helpme.me/profile-essay/ This condition was affecting the general operations of the military to the extent that even military officials have become apprehensive about the fate of officers belonging to LBGT.

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Assessing the trend of events regarding the people of LBGT in the military service, there is a big threat of the long-term retention of members of the military force. a good number of victims is said to have relinquished their responsibilities and opted for other occupations. They deemed the action right since they is free to relate with their family without any restrictions. Moreover, this action puts the military service in great jeopardy of facing extinction. According to skeptics, the enacting of the DADT policy was a dangerous option to be adopted by the military service because it left the administration uninformed about the real facts and quantity of LBGT members in the military. Officials had never contemplated about the possibility that the number of LBGT could surpass the one of sexually straight officers. Continuous cases of mass discharges from the military have raised a lot of questions concerning the capacity of the military forces to retain its members for a long time. Similarly, society in general is anxious about the fate of officers who are quitting the military prematurely.

Additionally, the repeal of the DADT policy resulted to animosity between the members of LBGT and those who morally object to homosexuality. They applauded the Congress and military officials for rejecting the president’s proposals to give homosexuals their rights. Their frequent insults and ridicule triggered a rift among factions. It has also been periodically reported that the members of LBGT have been under constant harassment by sexually straight individuals (Human Rights Campaign, 2014). It occurs at the places of work as well as outside. In fact, President Clinton raised concerns one time following a same. He said that though the law restricted military officers from publicizing their sexual orientation and homosexual practices, it did not outline their protection from potential tormentors. It therefore transpired that the same law was biased against them and needed to be amended forthwith.

Also, the controversy has posed a high chance of costly living arrangements. It will be necessary as a mechanism to protect people’s privacy. Apparently, those who are sexually straight have often been popping their noses into the affairs of LBGT. This act was perceived inappropriate considering the fact that everyone has the right to privacy. One funny thing is that LBGT members have never been concerned with the private affairs of people who are sexually straight. Apart from that, they have never faulted prostitutes among others who perpetuate sexual malpractices, such as masturbation, incest and bestiality, which are quite pervasive. In case their condition is outlawed, they reserve the right that all other sexual malpractices should be outlawed as a sign of fairness.

In spite of that, some campaigns have been instigated to enact special protection for homosexuals in america other than service women and men. Since the repeal of the policy DADT, members of LBGT that have insisted on remaining conspicuousness have become an endangered species. It is anticipated that the government will commence the process of amending the Constitution to incorporate the elements of homosexual rights and privileges (Stanford, 2013). Such processes will probably change events in america with regard to human rights, but with special give attention to lesbians, bisexuals, gays and transgender people. It will also be required to incorporate them into medical insurance schemes to subsidize their medical expenses in the same the way because the government does to other citizens (Stanford, 2013). In case this matter is overlooked, there is a high likelihood that fresh agitation may be triggered resulting into another revolution for human being rights.typemyessays reviews


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The Reaction of LBGT in the Military to the DADT Policy

Service women and men opposing the DADT policy have been raising a series of issues concerning the benefits that homosexuals are entitled to courtesy of their partners. Exactly like other citizens, they have argued that denying homosexual service men and women access to taxpayer benefits is a serious misnomer (Center for American Progress, 2012). They are wholly likely to enjoy these rights because there are no other provisions restricting beneficiaries on grounds of sexual orientation. Secondly, service women and men equally subscribe to the national development through income taxes. They therefore should not be sidelined with regards to reaping benefits of the same taxes. If this is not enacted, then these LBGT people should sue to petition against the authenticity of the law as regards to their condition (Center for American Progress, 2012). Finally, LBGT people have been raising innumerable concerns that the military law and regulations regarding sexual offenses should be adjusted. It offers obliged the military staff to generate new regulations, which can suffice to make LBGT serve the nation and enjoy their marital relationships also. At the moment, military laws have proven to be bias favoring service women and men that have a straight sexual orientation (Hollander, 2013). Contrary to this, the lifestyles and genetic makeups of many citizens of the United States have resulted to numerous cases of discrimination of LBGT. It will therefore be very fair if all members of the group are considered during the creation of amendments to the laws for them to enjoy their full rights as citizens of this country.

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Cases of lesbians, bisexuals, gays and transgender folks have risen in the recent past. The military sector has been registered to have even higher numbers of such workers as revealed by statistics. It is a sign that LBGT is becoming a real problem of society, which will be handled with a high degree of sobriety. Attempts made by sitting presidents to seek a long-lasting treatment for the issue have always been identified with heightened criticisms from civil society and interested groups. Nonetheless, the latter have never generated a solution which will be satisfactory both to LBGT people, as well as to those whose sexual orientation is straight. Laws should be amended to factor in the cases of victims of LBGT. They are also a significant section of society as well as taxpayers other than being civil servants. It will be very unfair if they are locked out from the listing of beneficiaries of civil rights and privileges. The anticipation of the celebration of LGBT equality in June is a sign of heightened affinity for the freedom of those victims of discrimination. Activists of lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender are ostensibly dealing with the U.S. Department of Defense to produce a detailed report, which will be used to declare the “success” of President Obama’s highly valuable political program. It will be in line with the repeal of the mislabeled law “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT).

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Intermittency in Solar Energy

Intermittency apparently affects solar energy because the production of solar electricity is wholly dependent on the amount of light energy dispatched from the sun at any given time and location. The sun’s rays energy keeps on varying each day, and these changes from the different seasons. Cloud covers are known to be a big contributing factor to these fluctuations in solar energy as well as the resulting output. These contributing factors are inherently predictable, and some solar thermal systems utilize heat storage to discharge power when the sun is not shining (Zhdankin, et al., 2015).

Intermittency inherently affects solar energy, and cloud cover directly influences this outcome. These factors affecting solar output are fairly predictable (Zhdankin, et al., 2015).

Wind Energy

Wind-generated power is a variable resource that continues fluctuating at any given time. The amount of electricity produced subsequently will depend on the speed of the wind, air density, and type of turbines used (Trainer, 2013). In cases if the wind speed is low and less than 2.5 m/s, the wind turbines will not be in a position to generate electricity. Moreover, if the wind speed is exceedingly high, such as over 25 m/s, the turbines will likely be forced to prevent in order to avoid the infrastructure being destroyed by the strong velocity of the wind (Trainer, 2013). The intermittency of wind energy lies in the fact that a single wind turbine is highly variable, and this is dependent on the location. Sea breezes are considered to be more constant than land breezes. A wind farm is known to be highly reliable though the output at any particular time varies significantly as a result of decreasing wind speeds (Hideaki, 2015).

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Past Disasters for the Area

Hurricane Katrina made the country realize that it had not learned lessons from previous calamities. Before Hurricane Katrina, various disasters had hit the Gulf coast, most of which were experienced between the 1st of June and also the 30th of November (Forgette et al., 2009). In February 1884, Ohio was hit by a serious flood, which affected the regions of Ohio and Covington (Daniels et al., 2011). Moreover, in January 1907, there was flooding along Ohio River. In July 1909, a hurricane struck the coastline of Texas. What is more, this state was struck by yet another hurricane accompanied by floods in October 1912 (Daniels et al., 2011). Also, Florida experienced fatal hurricanes twice in 1935 in the months of September and November (Forgette et al., 2009). Such data demonstrates that the US coastal region is vulnerable to natural disasters, especially those involving heavy storms and strong winds.

Demographics and Geographic Region

Hurricane Katrina is perceived as one of the worst natural disasters ever experienced in the US because it caused massive destruction of property and advertised a considerable number of lives. After the disaster, over 1,836 people were confirmed dead in various places where in actuality the hurricane had caused landfalls (Daniels et al., 2011). Areas within the Gulf coast, especially the region stretching from Texas to Florida, were the most affected. Louisiana and Mississippi had the highest death tolls, registering 1,577 and 238 deaths respectively (Daniels et al., 2011). Ohio was also affected and lost 14 people during the calamity (Daniels et al., 2011). In Louisiana, the levee system that had been built to protect the region during such calamities failed giving solution to serious floods that covered over 80% of the region (Daniels et al., 2011). Talking about the property, it was heavily damaged since in some cases, floodwaters pushed it several miles away from the beach. It is estimated that the hurricane affected over 90,000 square miles in the United States alone (Daniels et al., 2011).

Key Issues for Commencing the Mitigation Project

Hurricane Katrina was a disaster that had many dimensions because it affected both physical and cultural aspect of the region where it caused landfalls. One of the main issues that necessitated the commencement of a mitigation project following a disaster was governance. The roles played by various stakeholders during and after the disaster had to be plainly defined to make it better to face such disasters in the long run. The National Response Plan also came under scrutiny because the plans that it offered did not provide the desired solution (Daniels et al., 2011). While the region had suffered a series of disasters in the past, Hurricane Katrina was a bigger trial; thus, response teams were overwhelmed by the disaster. Therefore, the mitigation project was to include an improved national response Plan. Moreover, environmental impacts were a major issue because the disaster led to secondary environmental hazards which had to be addressed in the mitigation project. Also, mitigation efforts were focused on the identification of vulnerable groups and determination of the extent to which they are affected in the event of such a disaster. The issue was considered before commencing the mitigation project to insure that evacuation procedures is improved.

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Key Stakeholders Involved

Various stakeholders were brought together by the Hurricane Katrina disaster either as responders or as part of the team that worked on the mitigation project. In both cases, the government, the public sector and also the private sector joined efforts as they worked to solve the problems at hand (Roberts, 2006). Local governments worked in collaboration with the federal government to insure that their efforts were directed toward a common goal. The National Response Plan defined the roles of each stakeholder to minimize cases of confusion on the list of involved stakeholders. Given the magnitude of the calamity, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) coordinated the activities of the various stakeholders (Roberts, 2006). Also, various organizations from the private sector were contracted to offer services. Thus, every one of these stakeholders were to operate toward helping the area recover and put in place protective measures should such disaster strike in the future.

Types of Communication and Communication Systems Involved

It has been mentioned herein that various stakeholders were involved in responding to Hurricane Katrina and formulating recovery strategies. Given the diversity of the stakeholders, there was clearly an importance of a communication system. In fact, when disasters occur, communication is usually conducted by Emergency Operations Centers to insure that activities are well-coordinated. The main mode of communication involved is both landlines and wireless telephones. When such incident strikes, there are several parties to contact such as local parishes, officials in the federal government as well as volunteer groups. The Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) is in charge of issuing commands at the national level (Roberts, 2006). Coordinating officers at the state level have to work with the FCO to insure that state activities complement interventions of the federal government. The Department of Defense usually collaborates with the Principle Federal Government being its representative on the ground. During Hurricane Katrina, Joint Task Force Katrina was involved in providing directions to a special force from the Department of Defense (Roberts, 2006). The problem is that the various communication channels created confusion during Hurricane Katrina because directing authority was not defined; thus, state governments have since devised emergency response systems.


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Multi-Jurisdictional Response Initiatives

Following Hurricane Katrina and a series of numerous other calamities, efforts have been made to strengthen the nation’s preparedness. While different entities have devised response initiatives, measures have been put in place to insure that all of them are directed toward achieving the above-mentioned goal. Therefore, a Target Capabilities List (TCL) was developed to specify the capabilities that stakeholders have to possess as far as disaster preparedness is concerned (Roberts, 2006). The mark was to insure that the government, the private sector and members of the public possess these capabilities because all stakeholders should take efforts to answer disaster. Endeavors to involve as many stakeholders as possible highlight the fact that although levels of authority and territorial jurisdictions vary, when disaster strikes, issues of entities crossing boundaries can not be raised as long as activities are synchronized. For multi-jurisdictional response initiatives to be successful there was a need for regional collaboration expansion (Forgette et al., 2009). Thus, this makes it possible to implement the National Response Plan which requires a multi-disciplinary team given that it covers all types of disasters.

Training and Exercises

The military appeared to be overwhelmed when Hurricane Katrina struck despite the fact that considerable efforts were put into arresting the situation. Various calamities had been experienced in the past, but lessons learned from them were not incorporated in responses to subsequent calamities. For this reason, strategies have been devised to train the military and responders at all levels. In fact, the Controller General perceived training as urgent because pre-Katrina plans proved to be inadequate (Daniels et al., 2011). The motive behind the training was to insure that the military and responders have an understanding of the roles they are expected to play whenever a calamity occurs. Training includes regular exercises that can enable response teams to assess situations and execute appropriate responses. The goal of exercises is always to make all stakeholders prepared for disaster. Hereby, this insures that difficulties in communication in addition to integration and coordination of problems are eliminated early in advance.

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Future Directions for the Affected Community Regarding Maintaining Stakeholders Buy-In, Funding and Any Challenges

The fact that disaster can strike any time makes it necessary for the country to remain prepared at all times. Therefore, the affected community should devise ways that will enable them to continue receiving stakeholders’ support. Thus, the community can freely share information among all the stakeholders who are involved. Apparently, the affected community can take advantage of the technological advancements that have made communication easier. Hereby, through constant communication, stakeholders can be updated on every development. As a result, stakeholders will likely be in a position to tell whether their support and/or money are successful when they are updated on the progress being made. Nonetheless, it should be noted that even though technology has eased communication, the use of social media has triggered many speculations. That is why, some stakeholders may distance themselves when inaccurate information is shared. As a consequence, such stakeholders may withdraw their support (Zottarelli, 2010). Nonetheless, the community can avoid such incidences by putting in place official communication channels that enables you to contact stakeholders. Thus, such step will minimize the spread of inaccurate information.

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First, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest in the Arabian Peninsula. The republic has extensive coastlines with the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba, and also the Persian Gulf. According to the 2012 estimates the republic of Saudi Arabia has more than 26.5 million people (CIA – The World Factbook). The kingdom features a monarch type of government led by King Abdullah. Nonetheless, the kingdom adopted the law that was based on Sharia law. The country is the homeland of the Arabs and also the birthplace of Islam. The kingdom is home to the famous two holiest shrines in Mecca and Medina. The king has the official title of the custodian of the two most pious Holy Mosques, namely Mecca and Medina. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 after a campaign by Abd Al-Aziz Bin Abd Al-Rahman Al Saud to unify the Arabian Peninsula.

Moreover, the social interaction of the society is not influenced by the interaction with other societies. The way of life of the natives is not influenced by the immigrants despite the integration with other groups. The immigration factor in Saudi Arabia rarely affects the culture or the social interaction and marriage issues in the republic.The social interaction is defined by the strong gender segregation and respect for the different ages. The freedom of speech is limited in the kingdom and there are limitations to behaviors and lifestyle.

The Saudi Arabians use the Arabic language and virtually all the immigrants use the same language for communication purposes. The Arabic language is widely usedduring prayers, religious rituals, in poetry, lectures, speeches, broadcasts, written communications, and other formal purposes. In the conversations the Saudis use amiya Arabic, which is a sub-dialectthat has internal variants. The Saudi Arabian culture is influenced by both the Islamic heritage and also the Bedouin traditions.

Likewise, Islam is a state religion in Saudi Arabia and almost all people are Sunni except the small minority of Shia. There are rarely any other religions practiced in there because of the restrictions. The Saudi Arabian traditions depend on the Islamic teachings and rooted on the Arab customs. The Saudis are taught the teachings and also the customs at tender ages at family level and in the schools.The culture of Saudi Arabia is solely defined by the Islamic heritage and the Bedouin traditions.Any person who profess to any other faith may be arrested, imprisoned or may even be sentenced to death because they are not allowed to practice in Saudi Arabia (Brown 2009). The majority of Sunni follow the Handbali School of Islamic law.

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The Islamic religion followed by the Saudis has rituals and Holy places. The rituals are related to the five pillars of the Islam. The Holy place of Islam religion is the mosque. Among the most important pillars of Muslim religion is the pilgrimage (haj) performed at least once in a lifetime. The other four pillars of the Muslim religion are five daily prayers, fasting, giving alms and professing there is only one God and Muhammad is His Messenger.

Also, the Saudi Arabians take the family unit and also the extended family to be important and forms the basis of their society. The Islamic law requires the Saudis to take family obligations and responsibility seriously. The family unit is large and goes to the extent of the extended families.  The Arabs honor and respect their families and taking it as key social unit to the society. The Arabs value large families. The Saudi Arabian communities value family groups, and value family honor than individual honor. In any family setting the man is considered as the pinnacle of the family.

The Saudi men and women must seek consent to marry a non-Saudi before consummating their marriage. There are different rules for men and another set of rules for women. The rules for women marrying a non-saudi are tougher than for men while making it hard to proceed with marriage.

In a family unit, the male offspring is more favored to the female offspring. The males are expected to supply care for the parents in their old age. The Islamic families are patriarchal.

Also, the Saudi Arabians follow a strict dietary restriction imposed by the religion of Islam. Some foods and drinks are strictly not allowed. The same dietary restrictions are applicable to the natives and also the foreigners living or visiting the republic of Saudi Arabia. For example pork and alcohol are not allowed and import, purchase or consumption of the two attracts punishment. The Islam religion allows rice staple and grilled chicken or lamb. The Islamic law prohibits use of alcohol and Saudi Arabia has no alcohol. The available drinks are tea and coffee served in kind of Arabian or Turkish coffee.

Additionally, music and dance are highly regarded in the Arab culture in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi entertainment is defined by the Sharia court which determines the maxims of Sunni Islam. The music and dance has to be in agreement with the interpretations of Quran. In Saudi Arabia poetry has more preference since it is an Arab cultural life-style. Poetry has been used as an art that used oral tradition since the nomadic days of Bedouins. Poetry was used to preserve history, traditions and the Saudi social values. The field of entertainment is influenced by the traditional oral poetry. To date poetry is still popular among Saudis as it is inherited from the Islamic and Arabic way of life


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The Saudi Arabian dressing follows the maxims of hijab, which is A islamic principle of modesty in dressing. The culture requires men to have ankle length shirts. The culture has great value for jewelryas an essential part of Arabian dressing. The culture uses jewelry to reveal and identify with the social and economic status rather than for decoration. The traditional Bedouins used it as a kind of wealth and security.The dressing code of the Saudi Arabian people is the traditional hijab. The Muslim men are expected to wear an ankle length shirt that covers their system known as thawb. They are also expected to wear a checkered head cloth known as a keffiyeh.The Muslim women are required to wear abaya,a full-body and black clothing. Also, they are required to use the niqab, a black headpiece to cover the face and head leaving only a slit for eyes. The Muslim dressing code is not as strict for the foreigners, but they are expected to dress modestly in public.

Last, the Islam law has strict gender segregation that is authorizedby both the state and society. The females have fewer rights in comparison to male counterparts, and play limited roles in public. Women may work beyond your home in settings where they do not have contact with unrelated men. The Saudi women are prohibited by sharia law from travelling without the escort of a male guardian (mahram). The women are forced to be dependent on men to conduct their private and public businesses. Nonetheless, the Islamic regulations do not prohibit men from owning property using their names and invest their own money in businesses. The status of women is low in the public but high in the family (Brown 2009). The Islamic laws hinder development since significant numbers of women with high levels of success in academia, and other fields are not recognized.The achievements of these women often go unnoticed since they are barred from the public life.

The Saudi Arabian law imposes strict on the behaviors and activities of Saudi women. Women and men have segregated places of work and they usually do not socialize in public with men. Women are likely to interact only with men of their family.

Saudi Arabia is a country that most strictly applies sharia law, and it does not have a parallel civil legal code. This law is enforced by muttawa, the religious police that hunts for and arrests its violators to be whipped, put in prison, or beheaded. Foreigners don’t have any protection in Saudi Arabia as more foreigners are beheaded than its own citizens annually. Non-Muslims are prohibited from practicing their faith in Saudi Arabia, where Islam is the only creed permitted. While Muslim collections rage about even the smallest identified slight against Islam in non-Muslim countries, Saudi Arabia defeats all non-Muslim religions within its borders. There are no church structures, and even a congregation of Christians only to pray or to commemorate Christmas or Easter is not permitted.